Vipnesh Bhardwaj

Dr. Vipnesh Bhardwaj


Visiting Faculty

Collage of Arts, Chandigarh, Block A


Dr. Bhardwaj has over 25 years of Teaching Experience. In addition to teaching Geography at the UFV Chandigarh, he is a SAC Member at UFV India program in Chandigarh, India.

His teaching interests are in the areas Geography, Archaeology, Ancient Indian History and History and Culture of Punjab. He is a Counsellor for Tourism Studies with Indira Gandhi National Open University Chandigarh.

His teaching philosophy places emphasis on the application of course concepts to help ensure students graduate with the knowledge and skills of the subject.

Dr. Bhardwaj is a member of the (INDO—FRENCH) International Team (Collaboration with National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France), conducting prehistoric, Excavations and Explorations at MASOL, Punjab, and discovered evidence of earliest Human activity on Fossils which is 2.6 million years old.

He has good knowledge of Hindi, English and Punjabi languages and has done (Advanced Diploma) in Russian and Certificate Course in French languages.

Dr Bhardwaj is: the Vice President of Alliance Francaise ‘le Corbusier’ de Chandigarh, the Honorary Secretary of Chandigarh Chess Association, and the International Arbiter — Chess, FIDE (Fédération Internationale des Échecs).

  • Ten Research Papers in Comptes Rendus Palevol (Published)
  • Seven Research Papers, National (Published)