Setbacks into Opportunities: Taj Sharma’s Story of Perseverance at FVI

Have you wondered what studying at FVI is like beyond the viewbooks and course curriculum? In this series, we offer you a glimpse of just that.

This week, meet Taj Sharma, 2nd Year BBA student. This multi-faceted go-getter talks about his journey at FVI where even the setbacks are opportunities in disguise.

Taj Sharma


1. Tell us a little about yourself.

Hey there! I’m Taj Sharma, currently in my second year of pursuing a bachelor’s in business administration, and I’m proud to say my GPA is over 4. As I gear up to choose my majors next year, I’m leaning towards finance or human resources—both fields that really spark my interest.
Since I joined FVI, I’ve been actively involved in the Debate club and Toastmasters club. I even managed to snag the role of Vice President of Public Relations through a successful election. Along the way, I scored the title of Best Speaker Against the Motion in the Intra College debate competition and landed as the second runner-up in our economic declamation contest.
Thanks to my active participation and achievements, I now hold the presidency in both the Toastmasters and Debate clubs. I’m doing my best to live up to these leadership positions and contribute positively to both groups.
Now, here’s a fun fact about me that not everyone knows—I’m a bit of a party monster! Amidst all the studying and work, I love exploring the city’s nightlife, hitting up clubs, and trying out new restaurants. Because let’s face it, life’s about finding that balance between serious stuff and enjoying the good times!


2. What do you think is the FVI Advantage?

Undoubtedly, one of the standout features of FVI lies in its exceptional SLIE (Student Learning and Industry Engagement) Centre. The SLIE Centre serves as a dynamic hub that continually provides students with invaluable opportunities to engage in volunteering and connect with various industries. At the heart of their initiatives are impactful projects such as the Student Company Program, Qbiz, Self…Quest to Serve, Fraser Crônica, Tech Gear, and numerous other avenues. The SLIE Centre plays a pivotal role in overseeing these ventures, ensuring that students at FVI are not only well-equipped for the challenges of the outside world but also adept at translating their theoretical knowledge into real-world applications.
Going beyond the campus boundaries, the SLIE Centre extends its support by facilitating off-campus internships for students. This strategic approach enables them to explore diverse horizons and gain practical insights into their chosen fields. In essence, the SLIE Centre stands as a cornerstone, bridging the gap between theoretical learning and practical application while opening doors to enriching experiences for students at FVI.


3. What was your favourite project to work at FVI?

Being an active participant in the diverse array of projects at FVI, including SCP, Self…Quest to Serve, and Qbiz, my journey here has been nothing short of dynamic. Yet, among these experiences, the Student Company Program (SCP) has stood out as the most exhilarating, exhausting, and undeniably fun adventure.
Taking on the role of Sales Associate, while initially disappointing as I had hoped for a more prominent position like CEO or COO, turned out to be a transformative experience. Little did I anticipate that this change would immerse me in ground-level realities, offering insights that surpass what a higher position might have provided. Serving in this capacity, I learned the art of being an impressive salesperson, embracing adaptability, dynamism, and the readiness to confront challenges head-on, rather than relying on positional titles.
Beyond skill development, SCP gifted me enduring friendships and tangible real-world experience. It was a crash course in learning the unknown and realizing that the most significant lessons often come from unexpected places. I discovered that it’s not always about securing a higher position, but rather about extracting the most profound lessons from the position you hold. SCP taught me to handle diverse circumstances with resilience and adaptability, shaping me into a more versatile and resourceful professional.


4. What is your most memorable moment at FVI?

Reflecting on this incredible journey, encompassing travel, learning, and exploration, every step has been etched with memorable moments. Among them, hosting the annual awards ceremony stands out as the most significant and unforgettable experience.
This event marked my first public appearance at FVI, a moment when everyone became acquainted with my presence, and I had the chance to make a name for myself. The memories of that day still give me goosebumps, capturing the essence of a pivotal moment in my academic life. Collaborating with my seniors and the SLIE office during this endeavour opened numerous opportunities for me, solidifying my reputation as a compelling speaker and orator.

One of the most gratifying aspects was having my parents, grandmother, and brother, who had travelled all the way from Canada, in the audience to witness this milestone. The honour of hosting the awards ceremony was accompanied by significant responsibilities, intense pressure, and long hours of practice, but the payoff was immense. To this day, I am recognized for that achievement, a testament to the lasting impact it had.
As a delightful continuation of this journey, I have been selected to be the Master of Ceremonies for the upcoming award ceremony. The anticipation is palpable, and I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity to once again contribute my skills and enthusiasm to make it a memorable event.


5. Beyond academics and practical learning projects like SCP, how has FVI given you opportunities to develop new skills in your area of interest?

Little did anyone know about my latent talent for designing, a passion that lay dormant until it resurfaced with newfound vigor. In the midst of my academic journey, particularly during 12th grade studies, my active involvement in design took a backseat. However, this passion found its way back to me, growing and evolving as I immersed myself in various projects and internships.
The ability to design is more than just a creative outlet; it’s a crucial skill that extends its influence to various aspects of life. From crafting visually stunning presentations to enhancing the appeal of my resume, this skill has proven to be invaluable. It’s not just about creating aesthetically pleasing visuals; it’s about effective communication and leaving a lasting impression.
In addition to design, another vital skill that I honed is the art of planning. Balancing academic commitments with contributions to projects and internships required meticulous planning. Knowing my limits and ensuring that I gave my best in every endeavour became second nature. This skill goes beyond the professional realm; it’s an important life skill that equips individuals to navigate various aspects of life with purpose and efficiency.
I am genuinely thrilled to have embraced and explored these skills, recognizing their significance in both personal and professional spheres. Learning to design and plan effectively has been a transformative journey, and I’m grateful for the valuable lessons they continue to impart.


6. What is the one piece of advice you would like to give our current and prospective students about their time at FVI?

To my fellow students embarking on this educational journey, I’d offer a few pieces of advice that have proven valuable in my own experience. Firstly, cultivate patience in every aspect of your endeavours. The learning process can be challenging, and there will be moments of frustration and feeling overwhelmed. Instead of succumbing to these challenges, persevere and work through them. Patience is a virtue that often yields fruitful results in the long run.
Secondly, make the most of the resources invested in your education by actively seeking opportunities to learn. Education is not just about receiving information; it’s about acquiring practical skills and knowledge that can shape your future. Explore various avenues, engage in extracurricular activities, and find ways to apply what you learn in real-world scenarios.
Lastly, recognize the significance of networking. Actively connect with new people and build relationships within and beyond your academic community. These connections can be instrumental, not only in your current academic environment but also if you have aspirations in Canada or any other future endeavours. Networking is a skill that extends beyond professional life; it’s about forming meaningful connections that can contribute to your personal and professional growth.